Wednesday, May 16, 2018

South of the Border, West of the Sun (Haruki Murakami)

Haruki Murakami
South of the Border, West of the Sun

SPOILER. Don't read until you've read the book. It'll only take a train journey from Yorkshire to London then you can get into the following...

Read on way back from Arsene's last game in charge of The Arsenal so maybe feeling a little sentimental. This is a strange story about a man's obsession with women, well one in particular, throughout his life, or at least until we leave him. It's gripping and very well written, or translated, which explains why I read nearly all in one session. The last 10 pages had to wait until I reached home. It's uncomfortable at time and I wavered between feeling sorry for the guy and thinking that he's just a selfish tosser. The latter waned when SPOILER it seems that a lot of what he gets up to is fantasy as if he's schizophrenic or something. Interesting story but ultimately it's a little bit oh he got away with it and all's going to end well in his marriage. Not sure that would happen in real life. Excellent read and makes you think about a lot of things. Including have I damaged anyone along the way and how much have I been damaged. I guess I don't lose BIG SPOILER wads of cash that I received due to following someone around town. If I was ever given it.