Elif Shafak
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

A recommendation from someone at work which is her favourite book. It's a novel premise which I won't spoil with someone who has fallen into a life on the edges of "respectable" society in Istanbul. That's in quotes as most of what is viewed as respectable society has no respect for others who are different to them whilst those outside it seem to have much more empathy and respect for those who are different. The first half of the book is the main character's story and we are introduced to those who she now counts as her closest friends. The latter part is more adventure with comic moments whilst encased in tragedy. It's a good read, once I settled into it, with serious messages put over well. Like a lot of books I read now I feel that something is missing and in this novel it's getting to know the 5 friends in more depth and to read about their adventures together rather than passing references to them. Each character here could have a book to themselves. I guess I have more time to read than many others do and more than I did when I was younger. Picking up massive novels in my 20s I thought life's too short to read such a big book. Now life is shorter for me ironically I'm happy to spend ages reading long novels. Maybe I should give Moby Dick another try. If Moby Dick the whale was Ahab's nemesis then Moby Dick the book is mine. Although I find the plot pretty distasteful someone trying to exact revenge on a whale which attacked him hardly surprisingly as he was trying to kill the whale. Yes I must read again. Sorry, I digress from the review of Elif's book which is beautifully written with lovely descriptive passages and left me wanting more which I must search out.