John Barnes
The Uncomfortable Truth About Racism

An extremely thought provoking book that tackles (no pun intended) racism from an angle that is not necessarily the norm. I hesitate to summarise such an in depth and well thought through book but in essence John's view is that we need to tackle the societal roots of racism, and other forms of discrimination, rather than lambast scapegoats. His question is why do those people have their views and if from society does it help in persecuting them whilst we ignore the wider societal reasons for racism. Which are to keep the foundations upon which the rich and powerful maintain power. They are happy to throw crumbs to those who they exploit, whatever their race, gender, religion etc. etc. etc. as long as they maintain their power. They even let a few folk rise to near the top to prove that their system is not racist, sexist, homophobic etc. etc. etc. But the truth is that they will not allow equality in society so they can maintain their power and wealth. Sound like modern capitalism? Yep. The answer being true socialism? Yep. Although John does say that socialism is a pipe dream. He also has a lot of thought provoking and cogent views on the white working class. Now I have summarised a lot and probably some of it misrepresenting John. I don't agree with all in the book but if I did I guess I would be JB himself as we all have differing views. One thing it has made me consider in more detail is my unconscious, and some of my more conscious, bias. Go read. Now.