Sunday, October 19, 2014

Heart of a Dog (Mikhail Bulgakov)

Mikhail Bulgakov
Heart of a Dog

From just finishing one of the worst books to one of the best. Very readable and laugh out loud funny. A bizarre experiment and bizarre people all set in a Russian communist apartment block. Easy to understand digs at the communist state and those empowered by it whilst the wider context of the book and our hero the dog gives a more subtle analysis of communism. Or at least how it was implemented / evolved in Russia in the early 20s. The book could have been written today with a little update on the jobs or roles of certain characters and is written in a modern style which maybe due to the translation although I think that was in the late 60s. I picked it up at Oxfam Books having read the back cover blurb and only intended to dip into the introduction a few evenings ago but I was so intrigued that I started the first chapter and couldn't put it down. A couple of hours later and I'd finished. Fabulous and highly recommended.

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