Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Under the Skin (Michel Faber)

Michel Faber
Under the Skin

A compelling book on a number of levels. The first few pages suggest a certain path which soon makes way for another before the reality creeps up on you. This is all within a couple of chapters and from then on in it's a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Some of the writing is a little predictable, in complete contrast to the storyline, and at times you feel that if it wasn't for the subject matter then it would be pretty lightweight. Having said this I did get into the characters mindsets and had a certain amount of empathy for them. This was recommended by my friend Beckie who thought that it would appeal to a vegan and the comparisons are obvious. There is comedy at times and pathos in heaps for all concerned. Ultimately there is an unsurprising climax, or rather an anti-climax, leaving you a little disappointed but on reflection it's a fitting end for both protagonist and storyline. The scary part is what big business are planning next but there again it's nothing compared to what goes on in the real world. If I'm a little coy with the facts it's because I don't want to ruin the shock of the storyline. Go read.

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