Friday, August 18, 2017

Sex, Lies & Handlebar Tape (Paul Howard)

Paul Howard
Sex, Lies & Handlebar Tape: The Remarkable Life of Jacques Anquetil

Extremely well written and entertaining account of this cycling hero who was an uncompromising hard living star with an interesting family life to say the least. Charts his rise to the top with input from family, friends and colleagues. And a few rivals. Mostly about the cycling and how he came to dominate the sport with what seems like natural flair and stamina. Later in the book we get into the detail of his family life including fathering his step daughter's child and then taking off with his step son's wife. That's just the start of it. A good read of a time that the best cyclists were often maverick rebels in a way that they probably just couldn't be now with the focus on team tactics. A fascinating read.

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