Friday, April 20, 2018

The Mandibles (Lionel Shriver)

Lionel Shriver 
The Mandibles: A Family, 2029-2047

A good read following economic melt down and charting the experiences of one family. I won't say a lot more on the plot as don't like spoilers. A mix of social economic observations, a bit of futuristic musing (both societal and tech) with a whole load of human relationships between the different characters providing the main storyline. In a way it's very believable although there are some things which you do think "why would you let that happen". The story telling is fabulous and I didn't want to put it down. Although I took a couple of weeks to get through it (and carted it for 60 miles along the Devon / Dorset south coast path) by the end I just had to finish it and stopped in Victoria Park in the sunshine. I'm not sure that the ending is the climax that it should have been but I guess it's not really that sort of book. It's also proof that whatever else is going on in the world you can only be sure of two things, death and taxes. Appropriately variously ascribed to Franklin (US president), Defoe (Robinson Crusoe) and Bullock. Well worth reading if only in preparation for the inevitable.

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