Sunday, October 28, 2018

We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Shirley Jackson)

Shirley Jackson
We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Another odd book. A by turns dark and comic story about two sisters who live shut off from the world except traumatic trips into the local village, a dotty uncle and the rare formal visitor. The reason is soon explained and the rest of the book is about the sisters relationship with each other and their complex personalities. A big change comes blowing in which turns things upside down which I won't spoil the story. The ending is sweet in a way although I would say fairly unlikely given human nature. Despite that this is a very readable book although not too sure I want to wade through Ms Jackson's other stories - the subject matter seems very dark. We'll see... There is an afterword which analyses the girls' personalities and the point of the story - not really that enlightening although interesting bits about the author. Worth whiling away an afternoon, or a few tube journeys, on.

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