Sunday, February 09, 2020

Everywhere We Go (Dougie and Eddy Brimson)

Dougie and Eddy Brimson
Everywhere We Go

This was recommended by one of my mates but a bigger load of crap I've not read about football. Starts off by saying that if you don't agree with what's written then you're a middle class intellectual which is a sure sign that you're about to read a load of sexist, racist and / or homophobic nonsense. The sexism starts immediately saying that women can't enjoy football as much as men. I assume the same goes for fans who are transgender but I doubt that these boys have any contact with anyone who isn't a straight "red blooded" male or a straight woman. I didn't read far enough to read anything racist so maybe I'm being unfair but I doubt it. What I did read seemed to be about the author - or authors? as seems to be written in the first person as if the brothers are the same person - running towards or away from opposing hooligan fans. I don't think I read about him (them) hitting anyone. Maybe that comes later. Getting bored with what seems to be an excuse to let us know how hard he (they?) are by running towards or away from people I skipped to the bit about Bath City thinking that it may be about a couple of the skin heads I knew at school but which was nothing to do with violence. It was some bloke telling us he's not on the spectrum although he visits every non league ground on his way on holiday to Devon - not to watch a match mind just to say he's been there. Christ knows how his wife put up with it before leaving after 5 years. He also writes an incorrect account of when Bristol City fans set fire to Twerton Park. I then gave up. Having a Daily Mail quote on the cover says it all. Titillation about bad boys for those who were too scared to stand on the terraces themselves.

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