Tuesday, December 22, 2020

To the Lighthouse (Virginia Woolf)

Virginia Woolf

To the Lighthouse

An interesting read that jumps about different character's views without really tying them all up in a sort of stream of consciousness style especially in passages dedicated to one person. Sometimes it jumps about in a stream of different people's thoughts and perspectives that keeps you on your intellectual toes. There's not really a strong story line, apart from the thread of going to the lighthouse, which is hardly a spoiler. The story threads are more about feelings between the characters some of which are incidental and some more in depth. The relationships seem to be more about perception of others from each person's viewpoint which neatly mimics what most human relationships are as aren't our views on others mainly driven by our views rather than what they actually do? To some extent at least. Despite not being action heavy I was hooked at times and couldn't put it down. Better than Mrs Dalloway but maybe I should read that again in one stretch.

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