Friday, February 26, 2021

Girl, Woman, Other (Bernardine Evaristo)

Bernardine Evaristo
Girl, Woman, Other

Very readable novel of 12 interlinking lives coming together at the end... ?

Thought provoking and what some may view as a controversial subject matter it's beautifully written. My only complaint is that each story could cover a book in itself and what could be in depth and insightful anecdotes are glossed over. For instance Dominique's time in the American commune community and her interactions with the baker, shopping in the local town, what films did she walk out from and why and what was the reaction of those there. Feels like it could be an epic which has been cut down to bring into a readable size. Maybe I like the detailed descriptions of people and places too much and that that is not the point of the story which is fair enough. After all, I'm not the author! Having said all that the book packs a punch and every paragraph adds to the story and is very readable. The ending is a bit odd to my mind as I don't think it really wraps up the main stories. Overall it feels a bit like an essay on diversity rather than the epic story it could be.

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