Monday, January 10, 2022

What Really Happened in Wuhan (Sharri Markson)

What Really Happened in Wuhan: a Virus Like No Other, Countless Infections, Millions of Deaths
Sharri Markson

Fairly interesting angle on Covid-19 about how it leaked from a Chinese lab rather than being a naturally occurring jump from animals to humans. The latter was the general scientific community's line with anyone suggesting a lab leak being labelled a conspiracy theorist. On the author's side of the argument there are a lot of things leading to a lab leak not least that there is a lab looking at coronaviruses right in the middle of Wuhan. With the Chinese government's secrecy and the wider world's shutting down of anything related to Covid that isn't the general opinion (i.e. WHO) then the conspiracy theory seems plausible. Like so much to do with Covid we are being kept in the dark and lied to by scientists and politicians, with social media companies actively deleting posts that go against the general opinion. Obviously much of this is unravelling including the value of general population lock downs and Covid origins. The downsides of the book is that it's far too long, repeats a lot, has a lot of irrelevance (describing dinner parties) and nearly all sources are either anonymous or rabid right wingers with an axe to grind. The arguments are greatly diminished by being put forward by Trump supporters although to be fair the author does blame the scientific community's dislike of Trump to bad mouth anyone who supports his questioning as to whether it was a lab leak. Why would you believe an ex head of MI5 an organisation that exists solely to deceive and spy on other nations? The final straw is in acknowledgements where the author thanks Rupert Murdoch (who pays her) for running media organisations that are completely independent and don't support particular political parties. Just goes to show that you cannot trust either side in the Covid crisis and it's very difficult to sort out what is right and what is wrong. Not recommended as you could find out a much more balanced view given half hour on the internet. 

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