Friday, June 03, 2022

The Escape Artist (Matt Seaton)

Matt Seaton
The Escape Artist

A thankfully short and succinct book (see last one I read) which gets to the point clearly and quickly. A quick run through is man becomes cycling obsessive, finds how to fit in with partner, eventually has kids which stymies racing, starts cycling again, wife is terminally ill and how cycling fits into that, new partner and older kids leads to cycling again, briefly. The interest is in the description of both being an amateur racing cyclist and also how it interferes with the rest of life. Or rather how the rest of life interferes with cycle racing. Very interesting as a cyclist and probably for those who aren't. Written with honesty, a lot of humour and an obvious passion for cycling. And the rest of life too. I wonder what my wife Debbie will think of it. Although she cycles I'm not sure "cyclist" would be top of her descriptions of herself. Probably in the top 3 for me.

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