Monday, December 26, 2022

Lucky Breaks (Yevgenia Belorusets)

Yevgenia Belorusets
Lucky Breaks

An interesting collection of, well, anecdotes, stories, musings, thoughts, observations on people. Not sure exactly but a very readable collection. It's written in the aftermath of the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine a the collection is all about women who are caught up in the conflict whether still living in the area invaded by Russia or under pro-Russian separatists, or those who have located to other areas of Ukraine. Some of the stories seem fantastical, others about mental wellbeing and others that seem to be about the author. I saw this on the off chance in Foyles. Whilst published in Russian (there's a bit about why in the afterword) the English translation was published in 2022. The author is a well known photographer, artist and write. Well worth a read. As published before the 2022 Russian invasion across the whole of Ukraine it reminds you that western governments and press really don't care about Russia's abuses of strength unless it directly affects their interests. Chechnya?

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