Monday, May 06, 2024

The Kingdom by the Sea (Paul Theroux)

Paul Theroux
The Kingdom by the Sea

A book that looked very interesting and was looking forward to reading. Unfortunately I gave up before he'd got too far along the coast. It was a barrage of moaning about England and the English making particularly nasty comments about how people live and horrible caricatures of most of the people he meets which I don't believe were all completely accurate. It sounded like he hated where he was staying, disliked the people who hosted him and wasn't enthusiastic about the countryside. Felt like he just went out to write a book about how crap the English are in a lazy way. I skipped to sections of where he'd visited areas I knew but he either missed them out or badmouthed them. A nasty piece of bigged writing by a miserable git which wasn't even amusing.

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