Sunday, February 09, 2025

At Swim-Two-Birds Novel (Flann O'Brien)

Flann O'Brien
At Swim-Two-Birds

A strange tale or indeed multiple tales going from the mundane to the completely surreal. It's brilliantly written and the story within a story allows full rein to the weirdness of the narrative. I won't try to summarise the story(s) except to say that the device used for the plot(s) enables those to take on a life of their own. I read this years ago and remember it as a very confusing but maybe that's just my memory as the stories are easy to follow even if they chop and change have that surreal twist injected every so often. I suspect that Michael Moorcock read this. As would many of course. Lent by Simon tho I wonder if this is my original copy...

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