Saturday, January 20, 2018

Sober (Tony Adams)

Tony Adams
Sober: Football. My Story. My Life.

Bruce gave me this having found on the underground when visiting. It was part of the Books on the Underground where they are left for people to pick up. His Addicted was very interesting especially around the Arsenal dressing room. This book is less so. It's part what he did after Arsenal and his getting into management and part battling his demons and setting up his counselling service. Whilst I guess both are his later years bio there's too much, for me, banging on about the spiritual side and it all seems a little defensive and pious at the same time. I can't fault TA6 for keeping off the booze which must be painfully hard and he seems to have handled it brilliantly. But it's not gripping reading and it's one of the few books I've not been bothered to finish. Oh, and the next one I'm about to write about.

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