Saturday, January 20, 2018

Zero Carbon Britain (Centre for Alternative Technology)

Centre for Alternative Technology
Zero Carbon Britain: Rethinking the Future

Another book I've been reading for ages and not gripping me. OK it's not a thriller although it may have a very unhappy ending if we don't go with what's contained within. It's a bit too scientific and statistical for me. Most who read it for interest probably already know that the environment is going down the pan and we got to do something fast. It's a bit like the books in the 70s giving forecasts of resource depletion and climate change. But they were seen as mad prophesies of doom whereas nearly all of us accept the prophesy these days. So although I heartily agree with the content about half way through I just stopped. I think I'll give it to someone who will make use of the facts and figures to support their work.

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