Monday, September 17, 2018

Hangover Square (Patrick Hamilton)

Patrick Hamilton
Hangover Square

A darkly funny book set in mainly in Earls Court about a guy stuck in a drunken culture due to the love of a lush woman (in both senses) and how has increasingly frequent flips into a different mindset a bit, or definitely, schizophrenic like. I won't write a spoiler but this is well worth reading. Well written, plot never dull, tense, dark and at times depressing. It was written during the first couple of years of WWII and I guess parallels the by turns depressing and euphoric feelings and the need for many to switch off from reality. Above all it's about relationships, the good and the bad, and how we should hold onto the good and ditch the bad - if we're of sound mind and soul that is. A contemporary of Orwell and that shows in subject and style.

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