Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Hardmen (Velominati)

Velominati (Brett Kennedy, Frank Strack, and John Andrews)
The Hardmen: Legends of the Cycling Gods

Entertainingly written account of selected cycling hard men (aren't they all?) and why. Probably one for cycling enthusiasts but even as a commuter and occasional hill climber who never puts myself "into the red", well not intentionally although a few Devon hills have done their best to beat me, I can appreciated the descriptions of what the riders put themselves through. The writing is a bit matey and as it's the Velominati who are self proclaimed guardians of serious cycling rules it's a little bit contrived at time. At first I was a little niggled by the style but once I realised that it the authors are American I gave them a bit of leeway and just went with the flow. Very good covering different styles and includes women cyclists and some blasts from the past.

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