Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Little Book of Philosophy for the Internet of Things (Petras various contributors)

Petras various contributors
The Little Book of Philosophy for the Internet of Things

An interesting book laying out various ethical challenges that society faces as computing power forges ahead following Moore's Law on steroids enabling many a multitude of sensors to be cheaply implemented with the resulting data being analysed through machine learning. With the results of that starting to rule our lives which is where the ethical bit comes in. Short readable pamphlet which is great food for thought. I assisted somewhat to the overall Petras programme in part by facilitating research students putting garden gnomes on the Olympic Park and having them chat to visitors. All tastefully painted and named by local school kids. Have given to my daughter studying Philosophy in Prague who by coincidence has just started an AI module. That coincidence may or may not support the theory of determinism. And thereby lead to the inevitability of machines taking over the world, if not the galaxy. For discussion...

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