Started off an interesting read with excellently evocative illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. It's a long list of knightly adventures which after a couple of hundred pages starts to wane somewhat. There's only so many ways that a joust can be described surely, and this doesn't even go into much detail. There seems to bit a bit of exaggeration even for a legend as Arthur ransacked Rome & everywhere in between. And how many knights were there to kill in Britain at the time? There are also far too many damsel's in distress to be "comforted" for modern tastes. So fairly repetitive a bit like Homer's Greek legends or don Quixote but to be honest without the compelling descriptions. I was reading this alongside Gargantua and Pantagruel and thought why? when there is so much more relevant and interesting reads out there. So another stopped before the finish. I'm making a habit of it. Maybe I'll flick through and look at the rest of the pictures...
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