Monday, March 25, 2019

Demian (Hermann Hesse)

Hermann Hesse

Excellent read about a boy growing up feeling at odds with the world and meeting like minded people one in particular who seems to have supernatural powers. No, not kryptonite! On the one hand it seems to be (I would not presume to know what such a great writer was thinking when he wrote his novels) a standard story about pre pubescent coming of age through teenage rebellion and on into a more considered and thoughtful early manhood. But there is that typically Hesse spirituality threaded through the story which suggests that we are part of a wider (or narrower in this case?) (other- / higher-) worldly forces and associated symbolisms. And the search for meaning in life given life's contradictions - and these light and dark, yin and yang, body and mind, good and evil are explored throughout. Not to give too much away but as many of us who feel out of kilter and keep to our own realise after maturing a bit that humanity runs through all of us. The ending is obviously symbolic of passing into another stage of life. Have I really not ready any Hesse for 6 years? Must reread although I've just given the 3 novels on my book shelf to Bruce to borrow...

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