Saturday, March 16, 2019

The People Vs Tech (Jamie Bartlett)

Jamie Bartlett
The People Vs Tech: How the Internet is Killing Democracy (and how We Save It)

Excellent analysis of how technology is pushing us towards a polarised society influenced by big business, politicians and extremist groups through our use of social media and willingness to accept suspect news channels (not necessarily posing as such) that have been fine tuned through AI and big data to send direct micro messaging to each of us individually to hit our sweet spot whether it's to buy, vote or rage against other social, political, ethnic and religious groups. There are areas which I'm not completely agreed with (which is one of the points of the book) such as a blind assumption that democracy is "good". Also not sure about linking Corbyn with Trump as on the extremes - there are extremes of people just out for themselves at the expense of everyone else and there are those who are at least trying to further society towards a more equal basis which seems extreme (if you read the right wing press) but is not in absolute terms. Not saying Corbyn is perfect but who would you want in power if you weren't from the privileged or don't have strength in any of it's manifestations. Tribalism is not the same as political or economic views capitalism. Well worth reading...

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