Sunday, November 03, 2013

Conversations in Sicily (Elio Vittorini)

Elio Vittorini
Conversations in Sicily

Conversations in Sicily

Read whilst on holiday in Sicily this is a short novel about a voyage through Sicily ending with time spent with the traveller's mother. Written at the time of Mussolini it has hidden meaning and even though written over 50 years ago it invokes some of the Sicily that is still apparent. The prose is repeated and the cadence flows like verse. Shakespeare is name checked a lot but it seems earlier in style as it's near fantasy, delusional and enchanting reminiscent of Don Quixote. It's very rare that I read a book in a day but as I'm on holiday and it's such an engaging read and the style of the translation so authentic that I tore through the 200 pages pausing only to eat and wander down to the beach. I left it for the next holiday makers to read hoping that they are English speakers.

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