Instances of the number 3
I found this a slightly contrived read with mild titillation a bit like M&B. To the uninitiated that's Mills and Boon which I've dipped into due to living, not in the M&B sense, with an English graduate who devoured them and swore by them. It's nothing like Mitchell & Butler mild. I digress, but it's the sort of digression and unneeded fact that peppers this book. The themes give me something to think about after I've finished the book but it's the getting through it that's hard given the unexplained discrepancies, mild prejudices (why is it improbable that oriental's run hotels in France?) and inaccuracies (Turnham Green name origins, was that an in joke?). I guess that given it was food for thought then it was worth the read even if unlikely to read more of Salley.
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