Tuesday, October 31, 2023

On Java Road (Lawrence Osborne)

Lawrence Osborne
On Java Road

Having not finished any books for a while I've finished a trio of great ones in a week. Blame E P Thompson for the lack of read novels but my appetite has been sated in the last week. This one I got through in a weekend mainly due to train journeys Balham Chester Balham Manchester Balham. With delays. This is an account of the Chinese take over of Hong Kong and the impact on a British (white) journalist ex-pat and his very wealthy long time friend from Chinese HK parentage. It is threaded around the demonstrations of the young against tightening Chinese rules. Violence and infidelity of the protagonists is mirrored in the treatment of protesters both by security services and pro-China vigilantes. It has an ambiguous ending but I guess it's a statement that the Hong Kong situation has not played out to it's ending as yet. Maybe. Well worth taking if travelling up and down England drawn by the lure of football.

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