Friday, October 13, 2023

The Making of the English Working Class (E. P. Thompson)

E. P. Thompson
The Making of the English Working Class

A comprehensive history and analysis of the social changes within English society from the late 1700's to the mid 1800's obviously focussing on the rise of the working class movement. It covers a wide range of topics from Methodism to Luddites to Owenite cooperative communities. I won't attempt to summarise any further such as weighty tome by such a distinguished author but to say that a theme throughout is what could have been if the radical edges of the various movements had won out and how much better society could be. Many of the pressures degrading working conditions and pay for workers are very much happening now including the repression of trade unions, the right to congregate and demonstrate and freedom of speech. And that's the UK I refer to. Written by a committed socialist and peace campaigner (a leading light of CND) it is an illuminating read. I would be fascinated in his view on how society has travelled since his death 30 years ago given the rising tide of conservatism and capitalist lobbying controlling governments accelerated under Thatcher, Blair and the variety of recent Conservative PMs. I would love to read his views on the global Covid lockdown and shredding of the right to congregate or even go outside. As such a long book it's taken me ages to finish and I've had others on the go too. There are obviously critics of the book especially regarding some of the wider international context of both working class movements, industrialisation and imperialism but as an inward looking analysis it is a brilliant read. After all, Thompson does explicitly state "English".

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